
Fixing Google Analytics Discrepancies: A Complete Guide

Your checklist for reconciling differences between Google Analytics, Google Ads, Meta, and Shopify

If you’ve tried to dive into your store’s data chances are that you’ve noticed that your reports from Google Analytics, Meta Business Manager, and Shopify don’t quite match up, and you’re wondering why. Figuring out what’s causing these discrepancies can feel like a headache, but with the right approach, you can get to the root of the issue and trust your data again. Below is a checklist to help pinpoint and resolve the most common causes of mismatched reports.

The items in the checklist can be roughly grouped into four main areas:

1. Measurement and Attribution Differences

Google Ads and Google Analytics track and attribute interactions differently, which can lead to data discrepancies.

2. Technical and Tracking Configurations

Differences in technical configurations, tracking settings, and URL tagging can lead to discrepancies.

3. Reporting and Timing Variances

Both platforms handle reporting timeframes and processing in unique ways, affecting data consistency.

4. Privacy and Filtering Considerations

User privacy, data sampling, and filtering differences can also lead to discrepancies.

The Checklist

1. Measurement Differences

Ensure you understand how each platform counts user interactions.

2. Attribution Models

Review attribution models across both platforms.

3. Technical Issues Leading to Discrepancies

Consider any technical limitations in tracking setups.

4. URL Tagging and GCLID Parameters

Use accurate URL tagging for proper traffic attribution.

5. Timing and Reporting Differences

Review reporting and conversion timing in both platforms.

6. Cross-Device Tracking

Account for cross-device tracking capabilities.

7. Data Processing and Reporting Differences

Check data handling and reporting preferences.

8. Platform-Specific Features

Understand platform-specific settings that can impact conversions.

9. Time Zone Differences

Align time zones across platforms.

10. Data Sampling in Google Analytics

Watch out for sampling in Google Analytics reports.

11. Filters and Views in Google Analytics

Check filters and views applied to Google Analytics data.

12. Conversion Counting Methods

Make sure conversion counting settings are aligned.

13. User Privacy and Consent

Consider user privacy and consent settings affecting data collection.

14. Data Thresholds in GA4

Account for data thresholds in Google Analytics 4.

15. Bot and Spam Traffic

Enable bot filtering for consistent data.

16. Currency Settings

Ensure currency settings are consistent.

17. Importing Goals and Transactions

Verify imported goal setups.

18. Auto-Tagging Issues

Test for auto-tagging issues that may prevent data syncing.

19. Different Date Ranges and Filters in Reports

Compare data using identical date ranges and filters.

20. Attribution of Direct Traffic

Check for misattribution in direct traffic.

21. Differences in User Identification

Understand how each platform identifies users.

In Conclusion

With these steps, you can identify and resolve most data discrepancies between Google Analytics and Google Ads. This checklist should simplify the process of aligning your data, helping you get the insights you need for smarter decision-making. Run through these checks periodically, and you’ll find that most mismatches clear up, leaving you with clean, reliable data to work from. Happy tracking!

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